The choice of material for the arch structure directly affects by structures of the walls themselves, their thickness, size and shape of the curved arch. Many materials have limitations not only in terms of the weight of the structure but also the complexity of creating an arch shape. In the construction of interior arches can participate the following materials:
- stone;
- brick;
- drywall;
- metal profiles;
- tree;
- glass;
The easiest, faster and cheaper way is to produce arched structure made of plasterboard. After sewing the curved arch of this material the final finish can be varied. You can trim it with a wood, cover with mosaics or decorative plaster. Even to use a light or artificial stone wall panel imitating brick, marble or wooden surface.
Stone arch looks impressive. It gives the whole room a certain way of massive solidity. Depending on the color and texture of the stone arch cover may be relevant in a variety of interior styles.
The first association of the arch with stone facing are related to the style of country, rural motifs and closeness to nature. But such a structure can be successfully integrated not only in the suburban housing. Classic interior of Provence, some varieties of country style and even modern style rooms look organically with a stone arch.
Brick arch looks great in a modern interior. It does not matter whether you decide to leave the masonry intact by treating a protective spray and varnishes or have painted the surface.